Jackie and her husband John have called Boerne, Texas home and this Church their family since 1991. They are the parents of two beautiful daughters and two handsome grandsons. Jackie has held the position of Church Secretary since November 2001. Jackie loves spending time with her grandsons and also enjoys planning and organizing events for Church, friends and family. Jackie is the coordinator for the nursery, Wednesday night meal ministry, and Prayer Chain.
Allen joined the Boerne Church of Christ staff in 2023. He and his wife, Becky, met at church many years ago and have been growing in love ever since and have one wonderful daughter. A corporate transplant, Allen has begun a second career in ministry. As the Minister of Involvement, he seeks to help members plug into the church and the church plug into the community. Allen and Becky love cooking, traveling, and reading (especially when combined).
Chris has been on staff since 2018. He and his wife, Jenna, met while in college at Lubbock Christian University. They have two great boys, Boston and Graham. He’s been in full-time ministry since 2009. Chris loves his family, Christ and the church, and of course… the New Orleans Saints!